Lawmakers from 17th District to host virtual town hall Thursday, Feb. 22

The state lawmakers serving eastern Clark County and Skamania County will hold a virtual town hall meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. next Thursday, Feb. 22.

Using the Zoom platform, Sen. Lynda Wilson and Reps. Paul Harris and Kevin Waters will give constituents an opportunity to learn more about the 2024 legislative session, which is scheduled to end March 7.

In addition to reviewing some of the bills that have passed in the Senate and House of Representatives, and providing an update on their own legislation, the three 17th Legislative District lawmakers also plan to answer attendees’ questions and address their concerns.

Those who wish to participate in the meeting must register for the event online at

Waters,R-Stevenson, is assistant ranking Republican on the House Postsecondary Education and Workforce Committee; his other committee assignments are Capital Budget; Innovation, Community and Economic Development, and Veterans; and Regulated Substances and Gaming.

Harris, R-Vancouver, is House Republican Caucus chair. He serves on four committees: Appropriations; Education; Health Care and Wellness; and Rules.

Wilson, R-Vancouver, is the ranking Republican on the Senate Ways and Means Committee, and also serves on Law and Justice.

CONTACT: Kent Livingston, Public Information Officer for Reps. Paul Harris and Kevin Waters | 360-786-7031
Eric Campbell, Public Information Officer for Sen. Lynda Wilson | 360-786-7503