Rep. Paul Harris attempts to bring bipartisan, high tech research and development bill to House floor for a vote

In a procedural move in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, House Republicans tried a rarely used motion to bring bipartisan jobs legislation straight to the House floor.  All four motions failed on a 50-47 party-line vote.

Rep. Paul Harris requested House Bill 1769, which would reinstate the high technology research and development (R&D) tax preference, be pulled from the House Finance Committee to the floor for a vote.

“Reinstating the high tech R and D tax preference would bring high-paying jobs to Washington and put Washington in position as an innovator as these companies develop solutions to health and technology issues,” said Harris, R-Vancouver. “About forty other states have this type of credit. Not passing this legislation puts Washington at a disadvantage.”

Harris pointed out a number of businesses in and around the Seventeenth District that could benefit from this legislation such as Sharp Laboratories, SEH America, WaferTech and many more.

Along with the R&D legislation, Harris and Republicans also requested these bills be pulled from committee by advancing to the Eighth Order of Business.

  • House Bill 2011 would extend the sales and use tax preference for data center construction;
  • House Bill 1823 would have extended the expiration date of tax preferences for food processors; (request legislation by Gov. Inslee); and
  • House Bill 1381 would have extended the B&O tax rate for aluminum smelters, and the B&O tax credit for property taxes paid on aluminum smelters.

All four were bipartisan, tax-incentive bills designed to create jobs. However, Democrats blocked the move, voting against their own bills and blocking the governor’s bill.

The regular legislative session is scheduled to adjourn on April 26.

For more information about Rep. Harris, visit: