Rep. Paul Harris, legislative session update, Feb. 19, 2014

Yesterday was the cutoff date for House bills to be voted out of the House and sent to the Senate, unless they are NTIB (necessary to implement the budget). We have had some long days and nights of voting on the floor. Over the next week our policy and fiscal committees will consider the legislation sent to us from the Senate.

Town hall

This Saturday my seatmate, Rep. Monica Stonier, and I are holding a joint town hall meeting. We would like to invite the residents of the 17th Legislative District to join us. We will give you an update on the 2014 legislative session. Then we can take your questions and listen to your concerns or comments about legislation and issues before us in Olympia. The event is being moderated by Kelly Parker, president and CEO of the Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce. Join town hall

The meeting time and location is as follows:

Saturday, Feb. 22
1 – 2:30 p.m.
Wy’east Middle School Auditorium
1112 S.E. 136 Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98683

If you cannot attend please do not hesitate to contact my office. You can reach me at 360-786-7976 or e-mail me at

Legislation headed to the Senate

Three bills I introduced this session have been passed by the full House of Representatives.

House Bill 2163 – would help curb abuse of over-the-counter cold and cough medications by minors. The bill targets the substance Dextromethorphan (DM), a cough suppressant commonly found in cough medications. This has turned into a safety issue for our young people. Rates of abuse of this substance have increased significantly over the last few years. You can read my news release here.

House Bill 2061 – is a technical measure to correct and clarify the options and values of health carrier plans. The bill would require health carriers that offer a bronze level health benefit plan in the individual or small group market outside the Health Benefit Exchange to also offer silver and gold level plans in the same market. Only non-grandfathered, individual and small group plans, offered outside the Exchange would be required to conform with the actuarial values of bronze, silver, gold, and platinum.

House Bill 2378 – would give certified chemical dependency professionals (CDPs) and certified chemical dependency professional trainees a little more flexibility on where they would be allowed to treat patients. The CDPs must also be licensed in another specified health care profession. The bill does not change existing requirements for training, supervised experience, and continuing education.

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns I can help with regarding the Legislature or state government.