Rep. Harris hosts Vancouver teen as a House page in Olympia

Rep. Paul Harris welcomed Wyatt Johnson of Vancouver last week as a legislative page in the Washington State House of Representatives.

“Wyatt did a great job,” said Harris, R-Vancouver. “I really enjoyed having him here. He was a hard worker throughout the entire week. I hope he enjoyed the experience and learned something new. I wish him all the best in the future.”

Wyatt, who is 16, attends Mountain View High School in the Evergreen School District. He enjoys several hobbies, including politics, math, football, working out, camping, and design, to name a few.

Wyatt had several responsibilities at the Capitol, including delivering messages and documents to state lawmakers on the House floor, in committee meetings, and in their offices. He also got to attend Legislative Page School.

To become a page in the House of Representatives, a student must have permission from a parent or guardian and school, be sponsored by a member of the House of Representatives and be between 14 and 16 years old. For more information about the House Page Program, visit: