Harris says bridge height decision could threaten jobs, local economy


February 6, 2013

CONTACT: Kurt Hammond, Public Information Officer – (360) 786-7794
Rep. Paul Harris – (360) 786-7976

Harris says bridge height decision could threaten jobs, local economy

Rep. Paul Harris, R-Vancouver, and other Southwest Washington legislators have signed onto a letter requesting the U.S. Coast Guard consider a much higher clearance than the proposed 116 feet for the Columbia River Crossing (CRC). Harris says the current design would have a negative impact on the local economy.   “Under the current height proposal some businesses would not be able to operate, and for some, relocation is not an option. It is also my understanding the CRC may even consider buying the businesses out,” Harris said. “So what happens to those good-paying, family-wage jobs? This whole process has been flawed from the beginning, but now we are talking about hundreds of people potentially being out of work. Our region’s employment rate has gradually improved and now the CRC is considering a decision that could significantly impact our economy.”   The CRC’s current design of 116 feet would not accommodate many upriver users, including Greenberry Industries and Thompson Metal Fab. Greenberry has increased revenue more than $150 million and added more than 300 new employees since 2010.   “Not only are we impacting current employers, but we are limiting the ability of future tenants,” Harris said, “The proposed height is not a plan for the future. It would hinder our business climate and would limit opportunity for people who are looking for work and want to work.”   The letter was signed by all three legislators from the 18th Legislative District, the three legislators from the 14th Legislative District and Rep. Harris and Sen. Don Benton from the 17th District. To read the letter click here.   For more information, visit our Web site at: houserepublicans.wa.gov.


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