Lawmakers in the 17th Legislative District invite constituents to share ideas at town hall meeting

Senator Don Benton and Reps. Tim Probst and Paul Harris will host a town hall meeting on Saturday, March 12. Residents in the district are encouraged to attend and bring their questions and concerns. The morning meeting will be a discussion about legislative and community issues.

The time and location of the meeting on Saturday, March 12 are as follows:

Mountain View High School Auditorium
9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
500 SE Blairmont Dr.
Vancouver, WA 98683


9 – 9:30 a.m.               Informal discussion
9:30 – 10:30 a.m.         Question and answer period
10:30 – 11:00 a.m.       Additional time for informal discussion

“The budget is the overriding issue this session,” said Benton, R-Vancouver. “Citizens need to hear the facts. I welcome all ideas and thoughts on how we solve the looming $4.6 billion deficit.”

“Jobs, schools, and state spending are the focus of the Legislature this year,” said Probst, D-Vancouver. “We need the people’s ideas and intelligence to help us find solutions that are responsible and realistic.”

“This is a perfect opportunity for our constituents to have important conversations about the issues before us in the Legislature, as well as those facing the community,” said Harris, R-Vancouver. “We are facing many challenges with jobs, the budget, the economy, transportation, education and many others. I look forward to hearing what the people have to say.”

Residents unable to attend the meetings can call, e-mail or write their 17th District lawmakers with questions and concerns. Benton can be reached at or (360) 786-7632. Probst can be reached at or (360) 786-7994. And, Harris can be reached at or (360) 786-7976.



Penny Drost, Asst. Communications Director: (360) 786-7522

Guy Bergstrom, Sr. Communications Specialist: (360) 786-7811

Kurt Hammond, Public Information Officer: (360) 786-7794