There’s still time to sign up for our Zoom town hall tomorrow
I hope this short letter finds you well. Thank you again for allowing me to serve you in Olympia. I wanted to remind you that I will join my 17th District seatmates, Rep. Kevin Waters, R-Stevenson, and Sen. Lynda Wilson, R-Vancouver, for a virtual town-hall meeting tomorrow evening, Feb. 22...
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Please join us at our virtual town hall next week for an update on the 2024 legislative session
It’s hard to believe the 2024 session is already entering its final weeks. On Tuesday, Feb. 13, we reached the house of origin cutoff, meaning that was the last day bills could be voted out of their respective chamber. After a week and a half of more committee meetings to...
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Rep. Harris speaks about his bill to reinstate tax incentives to semiconductor manufacturers
Rep. Paul Harris, R-Vancouver, speaks on final passage of his bill that would extend two tax preferences for semiconductor manufacturing until Jan. 1, 2034. The bill would also reinstate six tax preferences that expired on Jan. 1, 2024. Harris explains why these tax preferences are so important to the economy...
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Rep. Harris opposes a bill that would provide convicted felons early release from prison
Rep. Paul Harris, R-Vancouver, speaks on the House floor to express his opposition against a bill that would allow certain convicted felons to ask the court to reduce their original sentence if they meet specific eligibility criteria. Harris shares why he feels strongly that some people do not deserve to...
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Rep. Harris stands in opposition to a bill that would defer prosecutions for a DUI
Rep. Paul Harris, R-Vancouver, strongly opposes a bill that would allow a person who participates in a deferred prosecution for a gross misdemeanor DUI charge to participate in a second deferred prosecution.
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Rep. Harris shares why he is voting in favor of a new bill aimed at preventing graffiti
Rep. Paul Harris, R-Vancouver, speaks on the House floor in favor of a bill that would help reduce graffiti by establishing a Graffiti Abatement and Reduction Pilot Program to identify individuals who damage property with graffiti.
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Rep. Harris opposes a bill regarding energy labeling for residential buildings
Rep. Paul Harris, R-Vancouver, speaks against a bill that would authorize cities and counties to require that the owner of a single-family residence obtain and make available a home energy performance report before the residence may be publicly advertised for sale.
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Rep. Harris speaks against a bill that would allow government to pull a bait and switch on voters
Rep. Paul Harris, R-Vancouver, speaks on the House floor in opposition to a bill that would remove the restriction on levy lid lift funds supplanting existing funds. Harris explains how this bill would essentially allow state government to a pull a bait and switch on voters in Washington.
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Rep. Harris speaks against a bill that would be detrimental to common interest communities
Rep. Paul Harris, R-Vancouver, speaks on the House floor to oppose a bill that would require an officer or board member of a common interest community association to complete a training course regarding federal and state fair housing laws.
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