Pandemic forces Rep. Harris to take oath of office from Vancouver home

Rep. Paul Harris officially took the oath of office, Friday, to begin serving his sixth term as a member of the state House of Representatives from the 17th District. Harris, R-Vancouver, was sworn in by Washington State Supreme Court Justice Debra Stephens in his home via Zoom.

“I never imagined I would take the oath of office under these circumstances,” said Harris, who was reelected in November. “These are unprecedented times, but I’m looking forward to conducting the business of Washington in a professional and honorable manner, during this upcoming session.”

Harris will continue in his role as the Chair of the House Republican Caucus. He will also serve on four committees: Appropriations, Healthcare and Wellness, Labor and Workplace Standards, and Rules.

“There are so many issues we need to work on this session,” added Harris. “So many individuals and families are hurting, and we need to provide real solutions. It will not be easy, with everyone working remotely, but we have to come together as lawmakers to truly find the best way to move forward.”

The 2021 legislative session begins Monday, Jan. 11, and is scheduled to last 105 consecutive days.